some years ago I had a nostalgic hankering for some old style motorcycling on an old style motorbike so I sold my Japanese four and bought this Indian replica of a Royal Enfield 500cc Bullet. Looked great but what a disappointment,I had forgotten how suspension has improved over the years, after only a few teeth chattering miles bits were dropping off and I had to stop and get out the spanners.In riding the gap between third and top was so great one would come to a near stop going up a hill and there would be a continuous queue of cars waiting to overtake behind. First long trip burnt out the exhaust valve though it managed to keep going till I got home.I'm afraid it just wasn't well made and spent most of its life in the workshop,maybe it was a Friday afternoon model like so many of the old English cars.I am told they are much improved now but I sold it and went back to Japanese reliable machinery
Arctic Coral
2 hours ago
You can buy these in Ripley. one left £3500. Seems a lot of money for what you get.
cant remember what I paid but it was much cheaper than that